Young Life


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of volunteer leaders and staff with

Young Life would overwhelmingly recommend their leadership experience to a friend.

Starting with a few students and a teacher in 2008, there are now more than 200 students and two dozen volunteer leaders and helpers involved in Young Life at Springfield High School of Science and Technology and Springfield Central High School.

Young Life starts with adults concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don’t happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust, and consistency. We listen to their stories and learn what’s important to them because we genuinely care about their joys, triumphs, heartaches, and setbacks.

Caring for Kids — Contact Work

Because kids don’t care how much you know till they know how much you care, Young Life leaders show they care by going where kids are, meeting them as they are, believing in who they can be. Within Young Life we call the persistent going out into the world of kids “contact work.” But kids just call it friendship.

A Party with a Purpose — Club

What is it about Young Life club that makes it the best night of the week for thousands of kids every week? We like to think of it as a party with a purpose. It’s controlled chaos that’s almost impossible to describe, but kids know it when they see it. And before the party ends, we share a simple message about God’s love for them. After all, that’s what the celebration is all about.

The Best Week of Their Life — Camp

Kids consistently tell us that Young Life camp is the best week of their life. That’s a rousing (and unsolicited) endorsement! But how else would you describe a week where deep relationships are forged in the midst of mind-boggling fun and where you experience and listen to what we believe is the greatest love story ever told?

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